Personal Thoughts

A Paper Sheet to Contrast Confusion

Some reflections on how to resolve confusion in the mind.

Angie Elle
Published in
Feb 21, 2022


Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash

Confusion is when you have many ideas in your head, but you are unable to organize them, to give them a structured form. Maybe fatigue, maybe the speech not immediately clear, but confusion reigns in the head.

So how to solve the problem? Maybe a break can help.

And if you don’t have time for a break? Maybe a long breath.

Or perhaps the best thing is to take a piece of paper, yes, a piece of paper, and write down everything you have in your head.

Not the computer, with a text editor,

but just a paper sheet,

because our mind needs not only to see but also to touch.

I write everything on a piece of paper. And suddenly everything is in order. Yeah, one sheet was enough.

