Personal Thoughts

I really need a break

At some point in the day I really need a break to catch my breath.

Angie Elle
Published in
Feb 20, 2022


Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

From when I wake up in the morning until the evening I am always on the go. I don't stop for a moment. First this, then that, then that other.

The day is marked by a series of interminable activities.

There is no room for boredom.

I always have something to do.

But there comes that moment, usually at the end of the day, when tired limbs require a moment's respite.

I need a break.

And here comes my steaming cup of chamomile tea or some other infusion. It's a break. Just a moment.

Then I start my activities again, relieved by that moment so infinite.
Until the day ends.

And those weary limbs just beg to rest. To start another activity tomorrow.

