
The Little Girl and the Clown — Chapter 3

Falling from a horse

Angie Elle
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2021


Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Caterina Olmi was only seven years old. Yet she already knew how to ride. It was an innate gift. Her father, who was a jockey by trade, had only brought out what his daughter already had. Just like Socrates did, who helped the interlocutor to bring out what he already had inside. Her brother Marcello, on the other hand, was not so good at horses, so much so that the smell alone disgusted him.

For Caterina, horses were real friends, with whom she could chat. She went to the stables every Wednesday afternoon, taking the kitten Melly with her, who was not very happy every time she saw the horses. I don’t know if cats are afraid of horses or not, but Melly was terrified of those huge quadrupeds. She stood under a chair the whole time, with her front paws over her face. They hadn’t even fired the fireworks.

Caterina always rode the same horse, which her father Guglielmo — yes because Guglielmo was called her father — saddled her with great accuracy and patience. The horse was called Augusto.

- Today Augusto seems to me in good shape! Her father said cheerfully. — He wants to ride.

Catherine was in seventh heaven when she rode Augustus. It seemed to her that she was looking at the world from a skyscraper. She suddenly felt like she was taller. And she was happy. She arranged his mouth to form a large upward curve. Then she opened his mouth and showed her smile in windows. Yes, because some milk teeth had fallen out. And there were holes between the other teeth. Yes, her was just a smile in the windows. But Caterina was pretty even so.

- Today we will go for a walk in the woods! Her father said. — I want to show you some particular trees that I discovered the other day.

- Yup! Yup! Replied the child. — Want to see what the greatest artist of all time has created?

- Which artist?

- God!

Guglielmo Olmi burst into a thunderous laugh. Caterina laughed too. Because it was difficult for Caterina not to laugh.

- Yes, it’s true! He finally commented. — God is the greatest artist of all time!

The two, father and daughter, set off along the path that led to the woods. Caterina seated on the back of Augustus, Guglielmo on the back of Lightning.

Around the forest was wonderful. Many green trees greeted Caterina and Guglielmo with their leaves, which almost looked like green hands. A light breeze caressed their faces, turning their cheeks a rosy hue.

They came up to the particular trees. It’s true, those trees were really special! They had a huge diameter, at least five meters each. There were three trees in all.

- Dad — asked the child, amazed — why are these trees so big?

- Because they are so old. You see, Caterina, the older a tree, the larger its diameter.

- It’s wonderful!

The child paused for a moment to think. Then she added thoughtfully:

- So if God were a tree, he would have a diameter as the whole world!

- Well yes! Indeed even more.

- How wonderful!

Caterina took many photos of those trees with her father’s digital camera. Thirty-seven, to be exact. Each photo was for her a memory that was imprinted in her heart. Because Caterina Olmi had a big heart.

- Dad, look! She shouted with great enthusiasm.

- What do you see, my child?

- An anthill! Look how many ants work incessantly!

- Yup! — Guglielmo agreed — How nice it would be if people also collaborated all together without hindering each other!

- It is not difficult! Caterina answered casually. — Just realize the world as God thought it!

William was surprised by his daughter’s observation because with very simple words she had explained what the meaning of man was.

- Already. — was the only thing he managed to say.

- If God created us — continued Caterina — who better than He knows how we are made and what is best for us?

The little girl showed her usual smile at the windows, then with the simplicity of children, she asked her father to help her get back on the horse.

They returned to the stables at a gallop. It was so good to ride. It was like being on the wings of the wind. Caterina could smell all the scent of nature sliding on her face. It was a great feeling. Each time she rode she felt the same sensations he had felt the first time.

Yes, because it is very difficult not to get used to everyday life. Usually, everything gets boring after a while.

Instead, Caterina Olmi never took anything for granted and this allowed her to fully experience every moment, every event.

The strange thing is that that little girl was able to involve the whole world around her, people, animals, or things. At the age of seven, Caterina Olmi had understood how life should be lived, not even if it had been Plato or Aristotle.

The horses flew on the wings of the wind, in indescribable harmony and elegance.

But then it all happened in a hurry. The horse Augustus stumbled. It spilled to the ground, throwing Caterina upside down too. That hit her head on a huge boulder. Her father stopped his horse. he gathered her baby in his arms and called for help. Caterina was really hurt.

